
SonyAppsPort.ThisismodifiedversionofsomeSonyapps,itwasportedandcanbeinstalledtoanydevicesthatrunningotherthanthatSonyROMs ...,之前都在不同的文章中說過,在SonyXperiaZUltra中內建新版本Launcher都比之前的好用。但我們都知道各位網友只可以透過圖文來空想,不可以百分之百地感受到 ...,Sonyhasfinallyupdateditsage-oldlauncherandthenewoneisnowavailableonthelatestXperia10and10Plus.Ifyou'reaSonyfanorsimplyfan...


Sony Apps Port. This is modified version of some Sony apps, it was ported and can be installed to any devices that running other than that Sony ROMs ...

[Android 工具] 搶先試用新一代Xperia Launcher 介面

之前都在不同的文章中說過,在 Sony Xperia Z Ultra 中內建新版本Launcher 都比之前的好用。但我們都知道各位網友只可以透過圖文來空想,不可以百分之百地感受到 ...

Treat yourself with Sony's Launcher app from Xperia 10

Sony has finally updated its age-old launcher and the new one is now available on the latest Xperia 10 and 10 Plus. If you're a Sony fan or simply fancy the ...

Sony Xperia Launcher APK For Android Devices (v13.0.A. ...

2023年5月16日 — Thanks to XDA Recognized Themer “Ben Ling” to port this beautiful launcher for Android users. In this launcher, you can find many features like ...

Ported Xperia 10 Launcher with PILL

2019年3月3日 — Hence i ported the xperia 10 launcher to xperia devices running android pie and above. ... port of the pixel launcher (if there is any) or any ...

Download Xperia Launcher For Any Android Device ...

2012年12月14日 — ... XDA Developers. The Xperia Launcher port has been released for those running Android 4.0.3 and up, and includes a variety of great features ...

Sony Xperia 10's launcher app gets ported to any ...

2019年3月1日 — It can be difficult to port apps from a device from one OEM to a device from a completely different one. This is mainly due to the fact that ...